” What an honour to be invited by The Laughing Cow ® on the occasion of its 100th anniversary! Humour has been an integral part of our work since the creation of the studio and to participate in the anniversary of The Laughing Cow ® is an obvious choice!”
100 years old and a "collector's" display which mixes historical portraits of the Laughing Cow, his fellow travelers and his boxes of course. An iconic cow with multiple faces and a unique smile that crosses time and the memories of all generations that had to be celebrated for its 100 years!
The Laughing Cow is also a great traveller who masters the languages of the whole world. It is up to you to discover the many ways of sharing laughter throughout the world. On this subject, did you know that people laugh when they say “55555” in Thailand? A sign of course!
A unique campaign to celebrate La Vache qui rit and the exhibition we have prepared for it on the occasion of its 100th anniversary: 100 Laughs!

Architecture & retail
100 Laughter! It’s not just a simple exhibition… In Lons-le-Saunier, birthplace of the first boxes of Vache qui rit ®, it is a real laughing factory that you are going to discover ! More than just portions of cheese, it is smiles, secrets, stories, anecdotes, contained in its billions of boxes already produced in the Jura with which we imagined this great birthday fair.
Everyone has already come across this iconic little box of the great Laughing Cow ®. It is these experiences that we propose to share with you. Discover that in 100 years she has had a thousand faces, that she has met many other famous laughers, that if she laughs it is above all because she is a great player and loves to share her smiles!
The box goes through time as it does, by conveying its smile in our daily lives, it is obviously the one we have chosen to celebrate The Laughing Cow ®. This little round box, you will play with it, discover what’s really inside… On the walls, in a shop window, in an archive, in a video, in a giant cake!
All the facets of this little round box are used as raw material for the creation of this anniversary ! All of the scenography is itself all in recyclable cardboard and produced locally from the production tools of the factory located 500 m from the exhibition venue.
Our commitments on the project:
• 100% recyclable scenography
• Use of 10,000 boxes of Laughing Cow produced in the local production site
• production of mechanical manipulations to minimize the use of screens