In partnership with Bernardaud Foundation, the 5•5 designers has developed especially for the Biennial a project entitled Ouvriers-designers. The young creators intervened on several occasions during the year in the industrial chain of Bernardaud's porcelain factory, to frame a creative freedom punctually granted to certain workers at each step of industrial process, by taking the counterpoint or by authorizing some gestures usually impossible or prohibited in a standardized manufacturing process. They thus brought "disturbances" very individualized to certain traditional products of the Bernardaud range, which continue, then, the usual way of their perfect development.
The Ouvriers designers project ordered by Frederic Bodet was carried out within the framework of the Bernardaud Foundation for new Biennial of ceramics at Chateauroux. The purpose of it acts above all of humain experience . The idea is to emphasize workers knoweldge of Bernardaud, while exploring new ways of design for the industrial design. In this project, designer voluntarily discharges from product style, to set up a methodology of design able to generate a multitude of new products on a traditional production chain : the release of the gestural workers gives rise to new formal vocabulary based on the error, the reverse and the imperfection. The whole of these results, put in glance with the usual production of the mark, comes to recall us the accomplished perfection day after day by all these men and women who make Bernardaud quality.
Of this generous production, plentiful and spontaneous, a series of objects was selected which confirms the potential of a design based on the supplies in hand. This demonstration intervenes at one time when the design is vulgarly regarded as a style whereas it should act on the way of even conceiving and at one time when the Western working class does not find any more its legitimacy in a context of economic change.

This will replace a little random in the standardized modes of production, in order to "benefit" from the industrial to create more artisanal objects, if not single chain, is in the heart of new designs of young people designers everywhere in Europe. This position lets foresee a complete change of the role of designer in company "Today, to innovate, it is necessary to conceive the design" (Danielle Quarante). In other words, the designer becomes a head of orchestra of manufacture, an attentive observer of process and production equipments, which must lead it to emphasize all the "potential of a production, based on what exists" (5•5 designers), and either only to create forms increasingly newer and increasingly more abstract (unfortunately generally of simple hulls, surface envelopes whose entrails, they, hardly change). The idea of the 5•5 designers is primarily human: it aims not only to emphasize the knoweldge of manufacture workers, but also, beyond a repetitive and looked after task, to propose them freedom of expression, a claim, a distance on what they do usually mechanically. It is acted in fact of a new experiment of instantaneous creativity on production site. Designers will take again then the reins to analyse objects resulting from this experiment and to choose percussion in term of industrial design. With final, one will discover a whole of single parts in reaction to serial monotony, each one of it speaking about a possible diversion about technical company knoweldge, to reinstate or exploit in the future.
Frederic Bodet, of the museum of decorative Arts in Paris and police chief associated with the Biennial News of Chateauroux.
Seven stages of manufacture (casting, calibration, enamelling, finishing, garnishing, transfer, spinning) were selected to illustrate the matter of the 5.5 designers to emphasize, thanks to the project "Designers Workmen", the intelligence of the hand, too often neglected nowadays.
The FNAC, Fonds National d'Art Contemporain has added coffret 1000 to the national collextion in 2007
The project ouvriers/ designers has received LABEL VIA in 2006
- Around Food, Area Magazine, Salone del Mobile, Milan, Italy
- Utopie du Quotidien, Porzellanikon museum, Selb, Germany
- Now! 5.5 designers élus créateurs de l'année, Maison & Objet, Villepinte, France
- Object Factory - the Art of Industrial Ceramics - MAD - New York, USA
- Joyeux Anniversaire, Centre culturel français de Milan, Salone del Mobile, Milan, Italy
- Object Factory - Industrial Ceramics :Art by Design - Gardiner Museum, Toronto, Canada
- 107Rivoli, Musée des Arts décoratifs de Paris, France
- This side up - Palau de la Musica y congressos, Valencia, Sapin
- New french designers, 5.5 designers chez droog @ home, Amsterdam, the Nederlands
- Freestyle - Biennale Internationale de Design de Saint-Étienne, France
- European Ceramic context 2006 - Bornholm, Denmark
- Commissaires, Montréal, Canada
- Fiera de Milan - Superstudio Più, Italy
- Manufacture Bernardaud de Limoges, France
- Nouvelle Biennale de céramique de Chateauroux, France