By definition, public space includes all places that are not private, and therefore those that belong to everyone!
As such, it is only logical to examine the design of public spaces when your main ambition is to design large-scale products for as many people as possible.
Echoing the demanding tone of the title, "Design under the pavements", the graphic design of the visual identity is inspired by the streets, including fly-posting, graffiti and the famous stencilled typography of "Post No Bills".
This popular graphic design is adapted on all of the graphical mediums: the exhibit newspaper, the poster campaign and the signage.

Architecture & retail
By definition, public space includes all spaces that are not private, and therefore those that belong to everyone!
As such, it is only logical to examine the design of public spaces when your main ambition is to design large-scale products for as many people as possible.
For the "Design under the pavements" exhibit, we created a series of miniature public spaces like pieces of a city that, brought together, transform the space into a unique, unstructured public space, conveying the promise contained in the name of the exhibit, which, we hope, will change attitudes.