"How to design a wallpaper without confronting a decorative vision?
More than a simple wall facing, we have created a range of expression surfaces. Surfaces become an area for playing. Alone or with several people, try to find the labyrinth’s exit, the hidden words or challenge your partner(s) with the well known tic tac toe square.
Highly recommended for the bathroom, waiting rooms or all this spaces where we are bored, these 3 models are purchased and applied blank, only the discreet crossword patterns are building up their first aesthetic. After a certain time, the pattern will grow, progress, and become alive with all the games played. The pattern will just be the result of all these marks. Each wallpaper will be different discovering hand-made and spontaneous graphics which take on a unique character depending on the colors of the used felt-tin pens and the results of each personal draw. Before being a game on a wallpaper support, this collection is a way for us to bring life to a decorative piece. We have used games as a simple pretext, a good reason for you to draw on walls, and to become the author of a model which takes form with time."