Reanimate, recuperate, reintroduce, rehabilitate, recycle, restore, rethink, dress, cure… the designer becomes the objects doctor and uses his knowledge to increease the life expectancy of rejected pieces of furniture.
The aim is not to restore (a practice which seeks to restablish something to its orginal state) nor to repair (an activity which involves utilising basic methods to prolong life) nor transforming (changing the use of) but to reeducate furniture (by systemising the intervention). These doctor designers use deterioration, weakness and alterations as a mean to create. Their surgical operation gives back to the patient its initial function, and the perception of products. This new subject which makes the object central to his worries, may cause the beginning of a true system of production. The cured object thus finds its place within its habitat and regains it’s right to live. This visit to the first hospital for furnitures enables you to discover atypical medecine which in turn may inspire you to treat your own furniture.
Other than being a group of young professionals in the field of design, we are a group of friends who share the same passion for industrial creation, through our different projects carried out throughtout the year. This time, we have decided to get together around a common interest for recuperation. Gleaners, bargain hunters, aesthetes, we are permantly in seek of curiosity of all kinds, because we like unusual productions, or simply beautiful. It is around this love for inpure objects, full of stories, however too often forgotten, that was built our old furniture rehab project, in partnership with French Humanitarian aid (Le Secours Populaire Français).
Reanim is fisrt of all a quetionning on the future of our consumer products. What can be done concerning the prolifiration of products which have financial means? The endangerment of natural ressources, the increase of pollution due to prodcutions, are painful facts, reason why we suggest a future for these doomed objects. Reanim offers a recbirth to dead furtniture. Furniture is a partimonial good, passed on from generation to generation, protected and kept in order to make them live across time. Today it’s status changes and becomes a specific consumer product. The furniture industry has gone form equipement market to a renewal market, and this remarkable change is to be considered in the conception process. How can an object’s second life exist reintroducing it in the sales systems? REANIM and its furniture rises…