Symbiose Kefir is an organic fruit Kefir producer. It is a fermented artisanal drink, very low in sugar and sparkling, made with real kefir grains selected for their richness in natural probiotics.
Our commitments on the project:
• Support an organic food player producing locally
• Encourage the consumption of healthy beverages

For Symbiose Kéfir, Studio 5-5 was commissioned to do the new branding, including logo, bottle labels, shipping packaging, website, social networks and photographic art direction.
The visual identity is based on 3 concepts: the living character of the drink, the makers' spirit and the community spirit.
The "living" side of kefir is expressed through the watercolor task sets. They're all different, each with subtle nuances of material and color that play with the grain of the paper.
We also created a complementary graphic identity for the Kefir Academy, the community of Kefir enthusiasts led by the Symbiose team, which now has its own logo. We also developed a very simple illustrative universe, a series of hand-drawn pictures to express all the recipes, manufacturing tips, anecdotes and scientific information that can be discovered on Kefir Academy.

In terms of packaging, the redesign has made it possible to assert Symbiose Kefir's identity and commitments on its bottle, and to clarify the ranges by reinforcing the differentiation between fruit Kefirs and Probiotic Waters.